Wrongful Death Compensation For Defective Products

Defective consumer products have led to multiple deaths and resulted in multi-million dollars compensation claims being awarded to victims' s families. Personal injury attorneys have been successful in not only obtaining just compensation, but also having these deadly products removed from the marketplace: Baby furniture and supplies Poorly-designed baby equipment have led to many deaths, often from suffocation. Improperly fitted mattresses have caused suffocation deaths as babies slipped between the mattress and side rail of cribs.

Expert Witnesses And Divorce

Expert witnesses aren't just for high-stakes (and high-drama) court cases involving life and death. You may find yourself relying on an expert witness in your divorce case to help reach a fair custody or support settlement - and possibly to curtail the drama of the whole situation so that you can move forward with your life. Learn why you may find yourself turning to an expert during your divorce. Financial Expert Witnesses

Tips For Filing For Bankruptcy

If you've been facing mounting debt for quite some time now, filing for bankruptcy may soon become your only way out. Unfortunately, dealing with bankruptcy can be very difficult, especially if you don't have the counsel and help of a bankruptcy attorney. Here are a few tips that will help you deal with bankruptcy. Credit Counseling Certificate If you're thinking about filing for bankruptcy, it is vital that you get a credit counseling certificate as soon as possible.