How Bail Works In Your Criminal Case

If you've been arrested on a criminal charge, the court may set bail as a way to make sure that you show up for your trial. Besides the emotional headache of your arrest, now you have to deal with the financial burden of being arrested. Here is how bail works and what your criminal attorney can do to help with that burden. The Long History of Bail Bail was established as a way to keep people from waiting in jail for long periods for their court date.

Simplified Divorce Petitions: Does Your Case Qualify?

The process of getting divorce used to require a lengthy court process that would involve proving that grounds for a divorce existed. Under these divorce laws, it could take several months or longer before a divorce decree would be entered and in some cases, the court could even refuse to finalize the divorce. Over the years, the courts began to realize that nothing good comes from forcing two individuals to remain married if both parties are not still invested in the marriage.

When And Why A Criminal Law Attorney Might Recuse Him- Or Herself And How That Affects Your Rights

Recusals are generally reserved for, but not limited to, judges. In rare instances, a criminal law attorney may recuse him- or herself for many of the same reasons as a judge might. If you hire a lawyer to defend you in criminal court, and then your lawyer suddenly recuses him- or herself, you have additional rights under U.S. law not otherwise granted. Your attorney may accuse himself for any of the following reasons, but it does not affect your rights to a fair and speedy trial.

Economical Survival Tips To Use While Waiting On Your Disability Case To Get Approved

Did you apply for social security benefits? Perhaps you are waiting on a decision, and your bills are likely piling up while you wait. You may be wondering what to do in the meantime as well as what to do if your claim is denied. There are a few things you can do to "stay afloat" during the process of filing a claim and waiting on a decision.  Debts Consider consolidating some of your debts.

Your Worker's Compensation Attorney Is Familiar With All Kinds Of Personal Injury Situations – Take Advantage Of It

When you have been injured at work, it is important that you hire a worker's compensation attorney like those at The Law Firm of Fitzgerald, Reese & Van Dyne, Co. to handle the legal case. Not only will he or she make sure that you receive worker's compensation insurance, but he/she can also look at the case to determine if there is any other business or product that is at fault too.