Is seeing believing? Should courts believe witnesses when they testify to what they claim they saw with their own eyes? Maybe not, if the scientific evidence about eyewitness testimony is any indication. Here is why eyewitness testimony is something that your criminal defense attorney is likely to challenge in court and some examples of how he or she can do so.
Eyewitness testimony is often wrong
In three out of every four cases where DNA evidence has later been used to establish someone's innocence and overturn their conviction on appeal, that conviction relied largely on eyewitness testimony.
If you have been injured at work, you might be worried that there is no restitution for all of your pain and suffering. A work related injury that is severe can affect your ability to carry a job, live your life normally, and can negatively affect your finances. This is why many people choose to file a workers compensation lawsuit. Here are some things you need to know about filing a lawsuit.
If you have a restaurant and you want to sell alcohol, you need to make sure that you have a liquor license. Without that, you aren't allowed to sell liquor and run the risk of being arrested or fined if you get caught selling any kind of alcohol. When you get your license, there are things that you need to do to make sure that you can keep it.
Check ID For Everyone
You've undoubtedly seen countless television dramas where a suspect is cuffed and "read their rights," beginning with those memorable words, "You have the right to remain silent." Many of us, however, probably don't really understand what those words mean. These words, known as the Miranda warning, must be spoken to anyone about to be arrested and must be conveyed before they are questioned. A somewhat puzzling situation can occur, however, when a suspect is being questioned at a police station, but has not actually been arrested.
A court divorce, or litigated divorce, is the most highly publicized type and the one that the media loves because there's so much fighting and drama going on. But court cases are enormously expensive and can have very negative effects on children and their relationships with their parents, and to save your children from that (and spare your budget from collapse) you may wish to choose some other type of divorce. Here are three things you'll need to have in place in order to settle the divorce without a judge.