What To Do If An Insurance Company Uses Video Surveillance To Challenge Your Case

With the widespread use of video surveillance by businesses, it is always possible that the car accident you were recently in was recorded on camera. If this is the case, the surveillance footage might either help or hurt your case. If it appears that you were not responsible for the accident with just the facts of what you saw and what witnesses saw, you might be surprised if the insurance company challenges your case by presenting video surveillance footage.

Bank Accounts: What Happens Upon A Death?

In many cases, the bank accounts of the deceased are held up for months, in probate court. Some smart families, however, have made provisions that allow them quicker access to needed funds. Read on to find out what might happen to your bank account, after you pass away. Accounts With Joint Ownership – If you and your spouse (or you and someone else) have a joint bank account, it does not need to be probated.

Buying Or Selling A Property? Why You Need A Real Estate Attorney

When you are buying or selling a property, the person that you think that you need most is a real estate agent. After all, it is an agent that markets your home or helps you find your dream property. However, a realtor may lack the expertise and experience needed to efficiently guide you through the legal aspects of the actual transaction. Purchasing or selling a home involves complex contracts, large sums of money, and navigation through a network of local and state regulations.

What Distinguishes Federal And State Criminal Law?

If you're trying to figure out a matter involving federal criminal laws, you likely have some questions about what makes this level of the system distinct. The differences can be surprising, and it's wise to consult with a federal criminal lawyer before you make any decisions. Here are five of the biggest differences between the federal and state systems. Jurisdiction In some ways, modern American laws make the whole world into the jurisdiction of America.

Why You Shouldn't Handle Your Divorce On Your Own

When it comes to getting a divorce, a lot of people wold like to just get the process done and over with as quickly as possible. In an attempt to do just that, they might think that it would be best for them to represent themselves instead of hiring a family law lawyer. However, not having the right representation in your corner might make matters a lot worse. Here is some information to help you understand why that is: